We had a family filled week for the 4th. Nana and Papa were in town to help Matt and Kate move to Utah! And also because baby Hudson was being blessed! Obviously, we managed to party between each of those events.
We went to my parents' cabin. The girls had a blast on the 4-wheelers. That's one of my favorite things to do with them. We need to go there more often.

We went to the Lake. The water was cold, but that didn't stop the girls from skiing. Papa and Ryan surfed too. Papa was a natural for his first time. We almost had to paddle back to shore when the boat blew a fuse towards the end of the day. Luckily some nice people towed us in.

The girls went to Ashley's house that evening (Friday) and stayed till Sunday, blessing day. Kendyl enjoyed her first taste of sushi that evening.

They even got to go to the pool on Saturday!

Nic and I felt FREE AS BIRDS with just one baby in tow. We went to the ward carnival that night (Young Women were in charge, which meant I too, was in charge). It went well and the pie eating contest was great! We even got to eat out and go relax at the Eaglewood firework ExTrAvaGAnZa!

Hudson was blessed on Sunday and Ryan did a great job. It was fun hanging out with the fam.

A few hours later, we drove up to Holly's house for Daniel's blessing! (If you're confused about who Daniel is, their baby was previously known as Morgan (at birth), and was recently renamed Daniel). Clark gave a great blessing.
Monday was the 4th! Happy Birthday to Holly! We went to the Kaysville parade in the morning and it was sweet! Besides candy, they thew out stuffed animals, neck ties...that were actually really cool, frozen yogurt and more. 

Papa's flight left that day and we spent the rest of the day with Nana. We hit up Cars 2, ate KFC at the park, and enjoyed watching our neighbors' fireworks!