Monday, November 8, 2010

Grandpa's Funeral

Our trip to Oregon for Grandpa's funeral was short and sweet. We flew out on Friday afternoon on the Taco Bell plane (thanks Uncle Carl), and were home Saturday night. It was fun to be there with my parents and all my siblings. It was also fun to see so many relatives. Our roots are in Salem, Oregon so I have family from both sides out there. In fact, my grandpa Nicolaysen was a speaker at Grandpa Sellers' funeral. The funeral was wonderful and each of his children spoke.

Between viewings and dinners, each family took their turn going over to the Sellers' Ranch and looking through ALLLLL their stuff for little "souvenirs". Oh man, there was a TON of stuff. Grandma was a hoarder. I couldn't believe how many decorative plates she had in that house. Many of them still in the package. I managed to bring a few of those back with me. Maybe someday I'll find a place for them. I also snagged a few of Grandpa's ties for Nic and took a kaleidoscope that I always loved playing with when I'd visit. We were at their house until well past midnight the night we got there just looking at everything. Scott found Grandpa's church books and went NUTS picking out books he deemed as priceless. Dad found journals and pictures that seemed to melt his heart. All in all, it was a good experience. Kind of sad knowing I'll probably never go back to that house. And yes, there is a picture of Grandpa's shoes on the porch. Holly and I almost cried when we saw them still sitting there!


Natalie Smith said...

Man...I remember going to my Great Grandma's house and just crying knowing we would never be in it many memories left behind! Sounds like a nice/quick trip. The shoe picture is heartwrenching.

Jill Schenk said...

I'm sorry I didn't know about your Grandfather's death and funeral. So glad you were able to be there with family.

Trenholms said...

I wish so much I could have been there! It looks like you had such a good time getting to see everyone...some of those people I haven't seen in years, including Scott! Love the blue casket; remember how Grandma's was pink? And P.S. I loved playing with that kaleidoscope, too!!