Monday, October 21, 2013

The time Nixon split his head...

So... one Sunday morning after the kids were all bathed and partially ready for church, they went to the basement to play while I got ready upstairs.  Suddenly, I heard screams of DEATH coming from the basement.  I RAN down the stairs (they were 2 flights away) just as C & B made their way to the main floor.  It was as if they'd seen a ghost.  They were hysterical....and Nixon was running up the stairs just as scared as could be, chasing his 2 terrified older sisters.  Camryn managed to say, "Nixon's head!".  I grabbed my baby off the stairs, ran to the bathroom where Nana was getting dressed (sorry again about that Nana!), and put a towel on the bloody wound.  I hadn't taken a good look at it yet and was just praying it wasn't serious.  Once I got everyone calmed down, we took a closer look at it and decided we'd better call Grandpa and get this thing stitched.  Nic was at church meetings, but he left early and met us at Dad's office. Nixon was NOT happy to be pinned down and seeing as we were in a bit of a hurry (primary program was starting in about an hour), we settled on gluing the wound.  It took 4 of us to hold down a maniac Nixon.

Anyway...after a week of pulling his tape off and re-bonking his wound the next week at church (goose-egg and blood), my Dad decided the scar was looking pretty bad and we'd better get it stitched up.  I took Nixter in the next day and Dad drugged him with some Ketamine so Nixon would "play dead" for the procedure.  I do NOT like Ketamine, it freaks me out to see my baby look as if he is dead, eyes open and everything, just not able to move.  I sat in the other room until it was dead, then held him while he came out of it.  He couldn't walk for a couple hours :)  But he's doing great now and his scar looks awesome :)  Good job Dr. Sellers!  We're SO SO grateful to have you!!!!

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