Friday, June 3, 2011

My Little Dude

We're in love with this little guy. He still spends most of his time asleep, which is pretty nice. But it's nice to see his pretty eyes every now and then. His sisters are in love with him and want to hold him all the time. The twins have actually been quite helpful. Kendyl...not so helpful, but still adorable. He sleeps great. He lasts for 4 hours at a time, then goes right back to sleep after he eats.

Now, here are his little problems. First of all, I'm not used to getting peed on and pooped on. That's right, pooped on....right on my face. I was changing his diaper and all of a sudden....SPLAT!! Projectile. My white shirt was ruined. And obviously, anyone with boys understands that you're most likely going to get peed on every time you change a diaper. Also, this baby seems to have some tummy issues. I've been instructed to lay off the dairy and see if that helps. There goes 75% of my diet, I'd better get used to the other 4 food groups.

We just got back from his 2 week appointment and he weighed in at a whopping 7lbs 14oz.


Natalie Smith said...

Oh my gosh...he is precious. I am so lucky he is a giid baby for you.

Natalie Smith said...

That is suppose to say "good"...typing one hand, :)