By request, here are the pictures of the playroom. What used to be a useless bedroom in the basement has become Camryn & Brooklyn's favorite new play place. Thanks to Nic for painting it and making it cute. I love that he can draw/paint anything. I can't even draw a straight line. One more animal painting and a mountable TV for the wall and it'll be complete!
Camryn & Brooklyn's Nana lives Way out in Ohio, so she doesn't get to see her grandbabies as much as she'd like. I'm going to try and post more pictures & videos so that Nana (& all our other family that live far away), can feel a bit more up to speed. Here are some pictures from the last couple weeks.
Valentines Day at Tammy's house. As you can see, it was VERY romantic :) We had lots of fun and the kids loved decorating cookies. Thanks Tammy! Their hang out. Once they've chucked all the poisonous cleaners out of the cupboard and onto the floor, it's a perfect bench for two.
I love this picture of Camryn. She's waiting to get into the hangout.
I think they like him more than me. I think that means he should be doing all the diaper changing. "2 Papa's!" As Camryn would say. The men all went snowmobiling last week and it was fun to have Nic's dad and brother here to enjoy some of our snow. This is a video of Camryn & Brooklyn on their karaoke machine. Like Mother, Like Daughters!
So it's official, Mitt Romney has left the race. I'm sick about it. Nic and I have decided that we'll have to move to New Zealand if Hillary or McCain become our next president. I can't believe I'm going to have to vote for Obama.
Holly,(my older sister who is pregnant with a boy!)and I had the opportunity of going to the Prophet's funeral this morning. Thanks Mom & Dad for the tickets. Being in the choir definitely has some perks. The funeral was wonderful. I'm sure most of you watched it on TV (or have it Tivo'd). It seemed that each person who spoke had a funny story about him. He was definitely a man with a great sense of humor. I loved the story of him telling a group of suit wearing general authorities that they looked like a bunch of penguins:) He will be sorely missed. Thomas S. Monson has such huge shoes to fill. I'm sure he'll be great though. As sad as it was to see them take President Hinckley's casket away, it was comforting to know that his spirit and legacy will continue to touch our lives forever. He's in a better place now with his adorable wife and millions of people that can't wait to shake his hand. I hope he finds Bryce and gives him a big hug.
While searching for Camryn's missing shoe in the car, she managed to escape into the garage barefoot while Brooklyn discovered a chocolate cookie. This is my life. I wouldn't change it for the world :)
Nic and I were married in August of 2003. The twins, Camryn & Brooklyn, arrived in June 2006. Kendyl joined our little family in December 2008, and Nixon was born in May of 2011. We have a noisy, wild house...but that's the way I always pictured my life. Every day is an adventure.
Brooklyn- 6 years old
Sweet, smart, stubborn. Wants to be a mommy when she grows up to a baby girl named Kendyl.
Camryn- 6 years old
Funny, mature, actress/singer. Wants to be a doctor when she grows up so she can give flu shots.
Kendyl- 3 years old
Smiley, on-the-go, happy & cute. Never wants to grow up. Just wants to be mommy's baby forever!