My friend Jenny tagged me with the task of writing 8 things about Camryn & Brooklyn. I figured I should probably have some of this stuff written down anyway so I glady accepted her challenge. I won't personally tag anyone else, but if you've got little tikes, this is a fun one.
1. She is a talker. Her favorite thing to say right now is "two". If she has 2 of anything, she'll point at it or bring it to me and say, "2 pens", or "2 books", or whatever she found.
2. She has minor OCD. She picks up the tiniest pieces of lint off the floor, or a string or crumb and bring it to me so I'll get rid of it.
3. She LOVES tic tacs. Before we leave the house she'll go to the candy bowl, point at it and say "Tic Tac". This is actually a nice thing since babies typically don't have the best breath.
4. She's pretty much out grown this one in the last little while, but I think it's funny. They have a bag of little Disney figures which Camryn LOVES. However, she has some strange issue with Eyore. She opens the bag, finds Eyore, brings him to me and waits for me to get him out of site. If I try to give him back to her she backs away like she's at gun point.
5. Camryn loves to hide. (Which often times makes Costco a nightmare). Sometimes I'll see 2 little feet sticking out from underneath the curtains...just waiting to be found.
6. Her favorite new hobby is coloring and drawing. Yes, there is pen and crayon on every one of her shirts, the walls, the couch, the table, etc... but she really enjoys it so whatever, it keeps her happy and I'm SURE she's got a big future as an artist.
7. Camryn likes to let us know when things are funny. She'll fake laugh and say "funny".
1. Her biggest concern in life is Camryn. She's always making sure Camryn has her blanket and her Daisy Duck. If she can't find Camryn or wants Camryn to come to her, she'll yell all over the house "Ca Ca" (that's what she calls Camryn, and no, we didn't teach her that).
2. She is the smiliest person I've ever met. You'll rarely see Brooklyn without a giant smile on her face. She's a very happy girl.
3. She LOVES shoes. She can't wait till it's time to put shoes on and she'll run to the basket, pick out her favorite pair and bring them to us to put on her. I'm pretty impressed with her matching skills. And referring back to #1, she always making sure that "Ca Ca" has a pair too. She's equally good at putting all the shoes away when we get home.
4. She is obsessed with Daddy and likes to follow him around and copy him. She ESPECIALLY likes Nic's deodorant. She'll find it, pull the lid off (destroy it) and just SMELL away.
5. Brooklyn is fearless. Yesterday we went to the park and she went straight up to the tallest, windiest slide and shot right down it. Sometimes I wonder how she's still alive. She's got some mean bruises though.
6. She's always LOVED books. She'll bring me a pile of books and wants to read all of them. She especially loves to point out each thing/animal she knows, say the name of it and the sound it makes.
7. Brooklyn has a nose for chapstick. Even when they're hidden, she finds them. She usually ends up using half the stick on her lips (face), and yes, she looks very pretty that way.
*Too often when I put them in bed (cribs) for naps, they'll JUMP & JUMP & JUMP for seriously, 2 hours solid. They get some serious air, and down below in the family room, it sounds like an earthquake. You can seriously hear the lights rattling.
*They love doing somersaults. Sometimes they'll be waiting with their heads on the floor to get pushed over (they can't go over by themselves yet.)
I loved reading that! They are so big and hilarious... too bad their parents wont bring them to Mexico. haha.
p.s tell Nic most of his comments are in vain, Q isn't smart enough to learn how to read the blog yet...
Stef! Hey girl! So great to hear from you!! I would LOVE to come to a BBQ. I agree though, we'll have to wait for the weather to get warm! By the way, you make me sick with how fabulous you look. You are still such a twig and smily and gorgeous! Keep in touch! I can't wait to hang out :o)
Talk to you soon!
what little entertainers! I seriously love this stage....learning new things or discovering new things everyday! one they ever go to sleep for naps after jumping for so long...or do you just let them jump their brains out so that when bedtime comes they just zonk?:)haha...just curious
Sara- I've never left them in bed longer than 2 hours if they're still up jumping and playing. Sometimes they'll fall asleep after like an hour and a half- that's always nice :)
We miss those girls! They're getting too big. Wish we were out there to see them.
Thanks for the updates.
I Love Your Girls! They are some serious Crazy People!
STEFF!!!! how the heck is the mother of 2!?!
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