Monday, August 22, 2016

Kindergarten Nixon!

Nixter had his Kinder assessment a few days before school began.  He was SOOO you can see in the pics. He had both of his arms shoved inside his shirt.  Ha!  Such a bashful little kid.  He did a good job and got some stickers.  His favorite part though, was seeing Dreya in the hall when he was finished.  Oh man, these 2 just love eachother so much.  Melts my heart.  He did so well on his first day....besides the waking up part.  He went right into his classroom with Boston and Josie and they took their seats and started to color.  I could have stared at him all day.  He will do so great and be such a fantastic student.  Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Enquist are his teachers. Love him like crazy.

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