Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nixon at 4 months

Nixon's stats
Weight: 14 lbs. 2 oz. (50%)
Length: 24 1/2 (40%)
Head: 16 3/4 (60%)
At 4 months, Nixon: Still wakes up in the night, so the doc prescribed rice cereal.
He's sturdy as can be. He stands on his own as long as he's being balanced. (The 2nd picture with Hudson in the chair cracks me up...a little man :) )

Takes lots of naps during the day. Still sleeps in his cradle and usually has a limb or 2 stuck between the rungs, dangling off the side. Fast and furious eater (and perhaps sucks a bit too hard...ouch). He's usually pretty mello and just kicks back in his little chair and kicks his toys around during the day; he lets us know when he's bored though :) Loves his carseat and usually sleeps pretty well in it. He's LOVED, LOVED, LOVED by his 3 sisters. We were warned that he'd probably get dressed up by them...well, it's started. Last week he was a girl and a bunny. *side note about the bunny hats. The girls saw someone on Sprout TV wearing one and wanted to make them. Brooklyn made Nixon's all by herself before I even knew what she was doing. These girls are crafting fools- our kitchen table is ALWAYS covered in construction paper, scissors, glue, tape and crayons.

Nixon has also discovered his voice- here's the proof. (youtube video "Nixon talking")


Natalie Smith said...

He is so cute.

aclark said...

Oh boy....he's in for a lifetime (maybe just until he can really defend himself) of being dressed up by his sisters. He's such a cutie!!

aclark said...

At least their creative about their costumes!