Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I went skydiving yesterday!!! It was SUCH a rush and I'm ready to do it again :) I was lucky enough to go with Ashley, Kate and Sean. Sean goes into the MTC today, so he needed to leave with a BANG. He figured that if he died, he wasn't supposed to go on a mission....or skydiving. Luckily, my "dive master" let me take my GoPro, which I held out in front of me the whole time. There are a few more pictures that I'll post later when I retrieve them from Papa, but for now, enjoy this SWEET video :) (youtube video "Skydiving")


Natalie Smith said...

hahaha. what a blast! i couldn't do it!

Henry B. said...

That is Awesome! I know that if I can Fly and Fix planes I know someday I will have to jump out of one for sure!!

Matt & Katie said...

COOLEST VIDEO EVER! I have a pit in my stomach just watching it! That was the COOLEST experience ever!

Unknown said...

I still you're all a little nutty! Hahaha....nutty is good, right?! Love the video!!! It's are you guys!

Erin said...

Wow Steph. I was teary eyed because I was so excited for you. I WANT TO SKY DIVE SO BAD. What a blast.

Melissa said...

I can't stop laughing at that video!!!!