Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mother's Day

People always want to know, 'how I do it' with 5 kids.  I don't feel like I deserve any special credit.  God sent me fantastic children.  They're not perfect, they make me mad, they make huge messes....but they're good to the core.  They care about me and they care about everyone else.  They don't hurt feelings, they don't complain, they're grateful, they're so nice, and they're talented in every way.  I actually enjoy taking my 5 kids to the grocery store and on errands.  I'm happy around them, and that's pretty awesome.  I had 5 kids, because with each new addition, my hear grew a little bigger and I had one more lovee to melt my heart.  I'm so grateful to be a mother to these babies.  They are pretty incredible and I don't feel like I deserve them.  I just pray that they never realize that I'm not nearly as amazing as they are!  I'll just have to keep on pretending ;)

Nic left town for work training on the morning of Mother's Day, so I got to PROVE myself this year :)  We went to church, then up to Mom's house for dinner.  We missed Nic, but it was a good day.

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