Friday, March 4, 2011


Nic has a hard time sleeping. Sometimes he'll take an Ambien to help get him to sleep. Last night was one of those nights. Before I go any further, you should know that Ambien can make you act like a crazy, intoxicated fool if you don't go to sleep quickly. Nic experiences these effects quite often (I'm sure many of you have had the blessed opportunity of seeing one of his performances).

Anyway, last night Nic had finally plopped himself into bed (after acting like a kook for a half hour) and I was about to get in the shower. I was standing there, looking at my sad body, and mentioned to Nic how ridiculous I look. He looked over and said to me. "You look like a Doodle-Hop". A WHAT?!! I got in the shower and laughed my head off. When I got out, he was still partially awake and I asked him to explain what a Doodle-Hop is. His response: "You know those Dr. Seuss guys with the stars on their bellies?" That made it all the funnier. So today, I'm proud to say I look like a SNEETCH.


aclark said...

I laughed for an hour when you told me in person and I'll laugh for an hour again with the visual of a sneetch. I feel your pain!!

C.LEE said...

That is so funny! My brother Jeff told his wife that when she was pregnant she looked like the grinch: big tummy and skinny legs. I like what your husband said much better!

Daisha said...

Love it. So funny. I am feeling huge these days. I guess I'm a sneetch too.

Natalie Smith said...

haha...That is too funny!