Thursday, February 23, 2012

School Valentine Party

I got to help with Camryn and Brooklyn's class Valentine Party. They were so excited to see me walk through the door they could hardly contain themselves. I was just as excited to see them :) It was lots of fun to be with them and see them interact with their friends. Camryn thinks she's in love with Braxton (pictured next to her at the cookie decorating table). And apparantly he's a pretty big fan of the twinners too. Oh boy, it's already starting... It's pretty cute for now :)

Brooklyn wanted to make her own Valentines, (of course,) and she actually did 90% of the work for her little sucker/butterflies. She was so excited to hand them out. Camryn passed out Fun Dip :) They were pumped to come home and show Kendyl all their Valentines and share their candy with her. Love these little girls so much.


aclark said...

Man, they are the cutest things I've ever seen in those little uniforms!

Melanie said...

Can I cry because they are growing up too fast? And they are too adorable! Keep those boyfriends away!!!