Friday, August 10, 2012

Boating Blues

We went boating with Ashley, Ryan, Hudson, Kate, Matt, Averi, Elle and the Stucki's last week. We had a BBQ on the beach and everything! I, however, left the lake a bit tormented. First of all, Nixon decided he would chase his ball into the lake at the exact moment I was fetching something from my beach bag. When I turned around a second later to see my baby laying face down in the water, I almost had a heart attack. I screamed and Nic pulled him out. After a couple beats of the back, he was ok. The rest of us were probably more rattled than he was. I'm now officially paranoid. The second issue was when I fell off the surf board and dropped the rope between my legs. The rope went wizzing through, but the handle BUSTED through, leaving me with some major wounds in areas I shouldn't talk about, and a killer bruise on my thigh. I've been sore, to say the least, this week.


Matt & Katie said...

I still can't believe how bad the bruise is? Hopefully its getting a lot better! Thanks for a fun afternoon boating!

Natalie Smith said...

This makes me hurt!